Friday, August 3, 2012

Melinda Gordon - (Played by Jennifer Love Hewitt in Ghost Whisperer)

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Do you know about - Melinda Gordon - (Played by Jennifer Love Hewitt in Ghost Whisperer)

Paramedic Bridge! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Melinda Gordon nicknamed as Mel and Mely in Ghost Whisperer was the role played by Jennifer Love Hewitt. She was married to Sam James Lucas and gave birth to Aiden Lucas in the Tv series- Ghost Whisperers. Mely possessed the abilities to see and hear Ghosts and owns and old shop in the town. Born to Beth Gordon mother and late Paul Eastman biological father, she was portrayed as a 34 year old woman who always love to help ghosts attain a state of eternal rest.

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How is Melinda Gordon - (Played by Jennifer Love Hewitt in Ghost Whisperer)

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Paramedic Bridge.

Melinda Gordon moved to the town of Grandview after marrying Jim Clancy- a paramedic who was aware of Melinda's supernatural abilities. Though Beth Gordon- Melinda's mom also possess the abilities to speak and listen to ghosts but denied it and never question her daughter for the same abilities. Aside her Husband, Melinda also share her secrets with Professor Rick Payne who happens to be a knowledgeable personality in Occult practices. Professor Payne played a leading role in helping Melinda gain more comprehension in her practices and also helped her scrutinize more about herself. Eli James, Andrea Marino, and Delia Banks were also aware of Melinda's supernatural qualities at one time or the other.

Melinda Gordon was a fourth generation medium her supernatural features could be traced to her Great-Great grandmother. She could effectively speak and reach out to spirits who seek her help. Melinda was able to help these spirits attain their desired peace by helping them talk to their loved ones or do things which such spirits could not do while they were alive. In doing such, Melinda was able to help such ghosts cross over from darkness to light.

At the starting of the series, Melinda and Jim were seen intriguing to the town of Grandview where she opened an old shop known as - " The same is it never was Antique". She met Andrea Marino who later joined her in the administration of the old shop. Melinda had became very intimate with Andrea and shared are secrets with her later on.

As a ensue of her extra abilities, Melinda often received visions and revelations about the single ghost or spirits she is helping at a single moment. In the first season finale of the Tv series for instance, Melinda was found receiving messages from a ghost on an air plane which hasn't crashed yet, and in another episode, she was unconsciously transferred into a forest from her home town. In the second season, Melinda saw a foresight of how habitancy were starring at her just as her house was being covered with a large body of water. She also saw a large bridge in the sky in which cars were falling in any place around her. These were some of the visions Melinda used in saving many earth-bound spirits in the Tv series.

Towards the end of the fourth season, Melinda Gordon's son was discovered to possess much more powers than his mom and such powers were revealed by the Book of Changes and the Watchers. Melinda Gordon had a very hectic and breathtaking role in season five as she tried to balance the role of motherhood and helping ghosts cross over to light especially as she discovered that her son was consistently in danger because of his great supernatural powers. The watchers revealed that Aiden- Melinda's son was an Empath and as a result, Melinda was able to receive visions from Aiden.

Romano remained the main obstacle to Melinda Gordon's success as he used his huge death count to progress the dark side against the Light.

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