Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bad Branding - Duracell Repositions Itself As an Inferior Battery

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Paramedic Bridge! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

It is this writer's sad duty to report on a terrible blunder by one of the world's great branding companies: Duracell. Duracell is a group of The Procter & Gamble Company, arguably the important consumer packaged goods producer in the world and legendary for its branding prowess. Proving yet again that no society is exquisite (hey, the legendary '85 Bears had one loss), Duracell is currently running an ad in Newsweek magazine where they position their batteries as lower-cost, less-powerful alternatives to "Energizer e2 Lithium" cells.

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How is Bad Branding - Duracell Repositions Itself As an Inferior Battery

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Paramedic Bridge.

Over the past several years, Duracell has successfully positioned their alkaline batteries as more trustworthy due to their "copper top" building (which is well just a color on the cell's wrapper). Even though consumer Reports says that essentially all lowly alkaline batteries are very similar in performance, Duracell has built a commanding store share lead straight through a series of fantastic television and radio commercials. In these ads, Duracell shows some extremely primary situations in which their batteries are used, implying a unique and excellent level of reliability. They repeatedly use the phrase, "when it just has to work," and then by comparison an lowly battery application along with the primary one, implying that even in daily use, your choice of battery matters.

In one ad, for example, a young basketball player collapses on the court as his mum watches from the stands. Paramedics rush out and administer a defibrillator -- adequate with Duracell batteries, of course. The spot cuts to a subsequent high school graduation ceremony and shows the young man smiling in his cap and gown (he survived, obviously) and his mum is taking pictures with a digital camera. The voiceover (intoned by Jeff Bridges) implies that it's best to use Duracell in both the defibrillator and the camera.

They have many similar commercials with Duracell batteries used in heart monitors and handheld video games, by Nascar pit crews, etc. The consistently implied message (they never come out and say this directly, probably because most alkaline battery brands well do perform similarly) is that Duracell batteries are the most trustworthy and are unequaled in performance.

Not many fellowships can take an daily stock like an alkaline battery and position it as a extremely primary -- even lifesaving -- purchase. No wonder P&G does so well at branding!

Now this: In the Nov. 10, 2008 issue of Newsweek, on page 75 in my version, is a full page ad proclaiming, "These are hardly the times to pay for more power than you need." The ad clearly shows an Energizer e2 Lithium cell on the left and a Duracell battery on the right. There are a few bullets describing the differences in the middle of the two batteries and then the statement, "Don't waste power. Don't waste money."

Don't waste power? What the heck? "Don't waste power" says the enterprise that has convinced us for many years that we need Duracell batteries because they are the only brand that has adequate power! This is an well horrible advertisement that flies in the face of the brand position that Duracell has built successfully over the policy of several years and at the cost of many millions of dollars. The clear message is that the Duracell battery is the lower cost, less excellent battery vs. The Energizer brand.

Okay, so why did Duracell do this?

This type of ad occurs when a brand's stewards overreact thoughtlessly or incorrectly to a competitor's actions. What is happening in the battery marketplace is that there is a new type of non-rechargeable consumer battery ready and it uses lithium to provide excellent performance in some applications vs. An alkaline cell. Energizer -- whose "bunny" campaign naturally isn't as smart and excellent as Duracell's "copper top" campaign -- has ultimately found an area where it can pick up store share, because it has done a nice job positioning its products in the new, lithium sub-category.

This new technology poses a problem both to consumers as well as battery marketers because the lithium batteries are much more high-priced and only outperform alkaline cells in some-- not all -- applications. For consumers, that means the best-cost clarification varies: in some applications it's more frugal to buy lithium batteries because of their longer life; sometimes you save money by buying alkaline batteries.

While I have no connection to anything at Duracell, I conjecture what's happening is that they comprehend Energizer's success with Energizer e2 Lithium as a threat to their accepted alkaline batteries. Indeed, lithium cells are in fact a new choice in the marketplace and they are taking share from the alkaline battery market. But the problem is that most consumers don't well understand the details of current battery technology. So they look at an ad like the one in Newsweek and reasonably get the message that "Duracell doesn't last as long as Energizer."

No brand that has positioned itself as a performance leader and has persuaded consumers to pay a selected for its products should ever reposition itself as the lower-cost, lower-quality alternative, and that is well what this ad does. In fact, it's a familiar marketing maxim that the important brand shouldn't collate itself to competitors under any circumstances -- that's a "follower" strategy, not a "leader" strategy.

Complicating things further, Duracell has its own "uber-cell," the Duracell Ultra. I don't know if this is a lithium or souped-up alkaline battery because the "How batteries work" link was down on the Duracell website when I clicked it. But clearly the Duracell Ultra is the brand that competes with Energizer e2 Lithium.

I sympathize with Duracell's challenge in the suddenly-changing consumer non-rechargeable battery market. Their hard-earned and carefully-crafted positioning of their accepted alkaline batteries is threatened by new technology and they well need to come up with a strategy to continue their brand perception and type dominance. But these things happen -- technology advances and categories change and Duracell needs to respond. But this ad is well the wrong approach. It's just too likely that consumers will comprehend that the core message of the ad is that Energizer (regardless of added modifiers like "e2" or "lithium") is the excellent and more high-priced brand. Duracell has aggressively, thoughtfully and considered established and defended its position as the excellent alternative for a long time. To use their great brand name, credibility and marketing dollars to switch positions with their estimate one rival, thus handing Energizer the "best battery" position on a silver platter is naturally foolish and counterproductive.

Time for a new strategy, Duracell. Engage those great brand thinkers at parent P&G and come up with something revolutionary -- instead of this reactionary, counterproductive white flag. You still have the best equity in the battery type and if you don't believe that, quest blogs under "favorite battery." Most consumers still believe that Duracell is the excellent brand and you need to reinforce rather than undermine that position.

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